Cell2Node and Node2Cell¶
The node to cell interpolation filter takes nodal loads and connects them to the cell center, of the cell defined by those nodes
e_{\square} = \sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{n} v_i \, .
Thereby, e_\square is the load located to the cell, \mathrm{n} the number of nodes of one element, and v_i the nodal loads.
The following example shows this methodology by considering one tetrahedral element:
<interpolation type="FieldInterpolation_Cell2Node" id="..." inputFilterIds="...">
<hdf5 fileName="..."/>
<inputQuantity resultName="..."/>
<outputQuantity resultName="..."/>
<region name="..." />
<region name="..."/>
The cell to node interpolation filter takes element loads and divides it onto the nodes that build the cell.
v_{\square} = \frac{1}{\mathrm{n}} e_i \, .
The following example shows this methodology by considering one tetrahedral element:
<interpolation type="FieldInterpolation_Node2Cell" id="..." inputFilterIds="...">
<hdf5 fileName="..."/>
<inputQuantity resultName="..."/>
<outputQuantity resultName="..."/>
<region name="..." />
<region name="..."/>
Please provide an acknowledgement at the end of your publication using this software part for simulations
The computational results presented have been achieved [in part] using the software openCFS [FE-based Interpolation].