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Cell2Node and Node2Cell


The node to cell interpolation filter takes nodal loads and connects them to the cell center, of the cell defined by those nodes \begin{equation} e_{\square} = \sum_{i=1}^\mathrm{n} v_i \, . \end{equation} Thereby, e_\square is the load located to the cell, \mathrm{n} the number of nodes of one element, and v_i the nodal loads. The following example shows this methodology by considering one tetrahedral element: Cell2Node

    <interpolation type="FieldInterpolation_Cell2Node" id="..." inputFilterIds="...">
        <hdf5 fileName="..."/>
        <inputQuantity resultName="..."/>
        <outputQuantity resultName="..."/>
          <region name="..." />
          <region name="..."/>
Note: * It is important that the target mesh is ** not ** the same mesh as the source mesh. Transform source mesh into new, empty mesh by using cfs -g. * It is possible to interpolate from a volume onto (curved) surfaces. However, the input data can not be from curved surfaces!


The cell to node interpolation filter takes element loads and divides it onto the nodes that build the cell.
\begin{equation} v_{\square} = \frac{1}{\mathrm{n}} e_i \, . \end{equation} The following example shows this methodology by considering one tetrahedral element: Node2Cell

    <interpolation type="FieldInterpolation_Node2Cell" id="..." inputFilterIds="...">
        <hdf5 fileName="..."/>
        <inputQuantity resultName="..."/>
        <outputQuantity resultName="..."/>
          <region name="..." />
          <region name="..."/>
Note: * It is important that the target mesh is ** not ** the same mesh as the source mesh. Transform source mesh into new, empty mesh by using cfs -g. * It is possible to interpolate from a volume onto (curved) surfaces. However, the input data can not be from curved surfaces!


Please provide an acknowledgement at the end of your publication using this software part for simulations

The computational results presented have been achieved [in part] using the software openCFS [FE-based Interpolation].