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Synthetic noise generation and radiation (SNGR) source computation

This filter is based on the theory of C. Bailly for the SNGR 1. Currently, this method is under development. For further details 23, the implementation status, and the application please contact Stefan Schoder. For further development and future publications on the topic, we are happy to colaborate wit your research unit (company or university).


Please provide an acknowledgement at the end of your publication using this software part for simulations

The computational results presented have been achieved [in part] using the software openCFS [SNGR].


  1. Walid Bechara, Christophe Bailly, Philippe Lafon, and Sebastien M Candel. Stochastic approach to noise modeling for free turbulent flows. AIAA journal, 32(3):455–463, 1994. 

  2. Michael Weitz, Stefan Schoder, and Manfred Kaltenbacher. A stochastic approach to compute cavity noise using sngr. In Waves 2019, pages 154–155. Teschnische Universität Wien, 2019. 

  3. Michael Weitz, Stefan Schoder, and Manfred Kaltenbacher. Numerical investigation of the resonance behavior of flow-excited helmholtz resonators. PAMM, 19(1):e201900033, 2019.