Installing Pre-Processors for openCFS¶
Like many FE codes openCFS relies on external tools to provide meshes for the analysis. openCFS can read various mesh formats. A few selected software choices are given in the following.
Gmsh is an open source 3D finite element mesh generator with a built-in CAD engine and post-processor. It is available for all common operating systems: downloaded or install it directly via your package manager on Linux.
cubit / trelis¶
Coreform Cubit (formerly trelis) is a powerful mesh generator including geometry modelling and import features. It is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. There is a free version available: Coreform Cubit Learn.
To get started: 1. download Coreform-Cubit for your platform 2. install the software 3. enter your licensing information on the first start. For Coreform Cubit Learn you will obtain a product-key for a node-locked license after you register (detailed activation instructions)